Harold & Rozette
BackThere aren’t nearly enough words, gestures, or expressions of gratitude that could ever show how truly thankful Rozette and I are to be on this surrogacy journey with New Life Georgia.
Rozette and I had been trying to have a baby for 10 years and endured two cycles of IUI, and four cycles of IVF but none of these results to pregnancy despite of having a good quality of embryos. Therefore, the doctor had decided on us to proceed with surrogacy as this is the only chance we could reach our aspiration that we longed for.
And when you knew it was time for Rozette and I to choose a different path to parenthood, and Natalia, our surrogate mother, did not once hesitate in offering to carry the embryos for us. I find my mind is still blown by her generosity and grace to help fulfill our dream of becoming parents.
I want you to know, that while things have been hard for us to be on “this” side of things and not being the one going through the typical motion of IVF, we know in our hearts that this is the right direction we needed to go in. I am amazed at her calmness on this journey, and it helped us tremendously when we feel hopeless.
For New Life Georgia, I have always cherished our friendship, but now, it’s a whole new, deeper level. You’ve helped us restore Our hope. Our faith. Our joy. Thank you for loving us, trusting us, and going through all of this for us.
Ms. Sophie – you are so professional in dealing with your clients. Your emails were very informative. Also, you are a sweet person too. I salute to you!
Ms Viktoria – you did an excellent job for helping and assisting the surrogate mother during the whole IVF process with Beta clinic. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Ms Tamari – you are such a amazing pregnancy coordinator, you never failed to keep us on track about the progress of Natalia’s pregnancy and ultrasound result of our twin. Cheers!
Ms Lika – you are very organize. You pay attention to details. Thank you for helping me with my documents and giving me directions on what to do and where to go here in Tbilisi, Georgia. Keep it up!
You guys have brought us an incredible amount of happiness and I am continually grateful for all you have done. May God bless you and your family.
Lastly, I thank our God Almighty for giving Rozette and I an opportunity to be parents and helping us build our family.
Again, Thank you New Life Global, from the bottom of our hearts.
With love, courage and faith 2019 is a big year and a blessing ❤️❤️❤️
All the best,
Harold & Rozette (+)