Dear Tatia and Tamari,
BackDear Tatia and Tamari,
Thank you for all the help that both you and Newlife assisted with.
After years of trying and some very painful failures in our journey, we were feeling lost
and the hopes of having a child were not very clear, until we started looking into surrogacy
as an option.
Sitting in a different country and reading through Facebook forums and learning about
Georgia as a country was new (we had no idea about the country!), and then reading the
real-life reviews of people with New life helped us in choosing you guys as our agency.
It was a leap of faith that we took as Nana made it really easy for us to ship our embryos
to Georgia and do the paperwork from the 1st day.
We never visited Georgia and signed the contracts from our home country, it was all about
the faith and trust and New life and you ladies never broke our trust.
Today when we sit in our living room, and hold our little miracle in our hands, it has only
been possible because of you guys.
Thank you so very much for assisting us on our journey and not letting our faith and
trust break, you were compassionate and knew exactly how we felt from the very first day.
Thank you again
And now we can sign off as Proud parents!!
Thank you 🙂