B & B with Love from Turkey


We never thought it would be possible to have a baby, but here we are holding our beloved baby boy in our arms.

When we first started on our process, we would read all the testimonials and ask ourselves if we could be this lucky? We wondered if we could ever be parents or if we should just give up. After years of struggling with miscarriages, we were just about ready to give up. We are so happy that we kept pursuing our dreams and never gave up!

END RESULT: A beautiful, healthy, smiley, happy, funny, cute bouncing baby boy:)

We are so happy and grateful to all at New Life who helped us through the different stages. Starting with Sophie, then Maka, Ia, Edo and Eliso. All of who were patient, kind, understanding, helpful and held our hands through every single step. We especially appreciated that New Life is very clear and transparent and there are no strings attached.

Also, thanks to the medical staff and embryology lab who did such a great job retrieving eggs and storing them. Dr. Nana was amazing throughout the whole process and is very professional as is her staff.

The 2 simple words, “thank you” is not enough to express how grateful and thrilled we are with New Life for all their hard work. They went above and beyond the call of duty and accommodated all of our special needs, requests, questions, etc.

We are now enjoying every single second with our beautiful, healthy baby boy before we try for our second child and who knows maybe even third:)

We can’t wait to get back to the warm embraces of New Life and the culture in Tblisi, Georgia. The Georgian people are very kind, welcoming and generous in spirit as are all who helped us at New Life.

Thanks again Sophie, Maka, Ia, Edo and Eliso!