Already six months has passed since we met our miracle for the first time and we still look at our son every night and can’t believe we finally became a family! This feeling is hard to describe to someone who never walked in our shoes and who didn’t struggle for 6 years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, losing hope for every time.
When we look at our son we are filled with gratitude for the people who helped us along the way to achieve this miracle. We also know that we never can say thank you enough times to our fantastic surrogate mother who was willing to carry our baby for 9 months. We feel incredibly honored that she did that for us. We also feel so very thankful to our egg donor who decided to donate eggs to achieve this miracle. In our minds we kiss their hands and hug them every day!
And last, but not least we want to thank the New Life agency Georgia who put us all together to achieve the most beautiful child that fills our lives with such joy we only dreamed of.
Yours sincerely,
Magdalena, Tomas and Julian.