
Antonio from Spain

Sophie , I am very happy with the Job You have done, your emails always nice and on time. I am very grateful with You. If in the future i want more children , You will be my first option again

A and E from Sweden

After years of failed IVFs we could not believe our luck when we succeeded at the very first try with New Life. Our beautiful baby boy was born early but through the entire process the whole family were very well taken care of, us parents always got timely updates and good advice and our baby […]

A and E from Sweden

Absolutely gorgeous We are back at home now and our baby boy is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you to the whole team at NL and our lovely surrogate mother and her family. As you know I had surgery to remove my uterus because of cancer and this was the only opportunity for us to have children. […]

O.A. & D. from Israel

With great pleasure I’m writing this recommendation letter for Newlife Georgia. Me and my wife started the process after almost 6 years of trying to have our own baby. As we finally were told that surrogacy is our only option for our own biological child we contacted about 10 agencies worldwide. Choosing a Surrogacy agency […]

S & E from Sweden

Thank you for everything! “After six IVF attemps in Sweden and three early misscariages we went to visit new life to hear if they could help us. After a nice visit in April, where we got all our questions answered we did our first attempt in May 2014. We were so used to be unsuccessful […]


Dear Mariam, We would like to thank you and your company for helping usto fulfill our dreams! Our daughter now has a wonderful little brother! “We are very happy and satisfied with the whole process! I would like to give extra attention to one of your employees, Sophie Ukleba. She’s extremely service minded and talented. […]

Sh. E. & L E.

“We started our surrogacy process 3 1/2 years ago in India. After trying 11 tirnes (II) we were forced to change country because of different reasons. We already knew New Life and Sophie, so the choice was easy to make. After a couple of more transfers we were unbelievably finally pregnant! After that came the […]

Were clients of New Life

Through the whole period, especially in problematic issues, we were treated in a sensitively 8, professional way. We were very satisfied with the whole process and we highly recommend New Life. Special thanks to la and Eka. Dear Mariam, Matuta, Stephanie, Myrille and Janine We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for […]

Love C & J

Thank you very much for all your help while I was in Bangkok ” Thank you very much for all your help while I was in Bangkok. You were extremely helpful during a very stressful time. You are the best! Here are a couple of pictures of Ophelia. I would like to thank New Life […]

UK couple

“A year ago we thought that all our chances of ever having a baby had corne to an end. With Sophie welcoming us to New Life’s Georgia office an exciting and nervous We thank you for answering all of our questions, all of the arrangements surrounding us and our surrogate mother and for keeping us […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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