
B & B with Love from Turkey

We never thought it would be possible to have a baby, but here we are holding our beloved baby boy in our arms. When we first started on our process, we would read all the testimonials and ask ourselves if we could be this lucky? We wondered if we could ever be parents or if […]

Spanish couple

Thank you and thank you again and again for giving us the greatest gift:) With Love and Gratitude We met Mariam Kukunashvili and her team 6 years ago when our dream of becoming parents came true after the birth of our beautiful daughter. And when we decided that definitively we wanted to give her a […]

Gratitude from Israel

Dear Ia. With a great pleasure I want to write to you about my first experience with New Life Georgia. After I understood like year ago , that I stop my personal treatments to have a baby , first I heard about possibility to have a child in Georgia at my clinic in Jerusalem, but […]


Dear Ia Over all we are really impressed of the work of New Life. When we first heard of you we didn´t know anything about Georgia. Our Swedish friends recommended your clinic to us and we wanted to give it a try. We also have experience from India, which is a different country from Georgia, […]

C and M from Australia and Canada

Thanks to New Life Georgia we have a beautiful pair of twins. We have got to know the team at Newlife quite well over the past two years. Everyone there is amazing – so helpful, so professional, so caring, so responsive. I cannot thank them enough. We have come to know Georgia also very well […]

B and O from Estonia

We are very happy for New life Georgia’s help for our life-changing experience. We want to thank you all for that. Special thanks to doctors and medical staff you work with as well. The person we most want to thank is our surrogate mother for taking good care of our little baby boy. Wish you […]

H and P

Darling Sophie! All is well with us! Not a week passes that you, New Life or Khatuna are not mentioned here! We still have to pinch ourselves sometimes, that the boys are really here. They of course have us wrapped around their fingers… Very active boys, starting kindergarten in January, and Peter then goes back […]

Mrs M.0 USA

“By the grace of Jesus, my wife is pregnant and the Dr has confirmed the blood test report to us as positive right now. We are both very thankful to each and everyone of you from our hearts who have made this possible.We love you all and can never forget you for our whole life. […]

G & M from Greece

Hi Mariam, To say we are over the moon 15 months later is a complete understatement. I don’t think a single day passes when that I don’t think how fortunate we are to have our baby and the luck we had finding you using you and completing our family – we can’t express the thanks […]

E & T from Izrael

Dear Ia, We went with you two processes which we were able to have our children with a surrogate mother. The process was the most important in our lives. At this point, we thank you for your professionalism. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and successful year and have health and happiness always. With […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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