Success Story

How Surrogacy can be life changing experience

This is a sleeping prince of our lovely Swedish couple. It took them four embryo transfer attempt until they received successful pregnancy , but after hugging their little bundle of joy they were very emotional and kept saying that it was all worthy for it. Their story is very much encouraging for other parents. Sometimes […]

Triumphant Surrogacy Journey of Spanish couple

This little girl smiled and melted our hearts. We all fell in love with her at very first glance as she is such a happy baby from very first minutes after birth. Her parents were lucky and achieved successful pregnancy at very first attempt. They are extremely grateful to IVF team, to the maternity hospital […]

Why Australian Couples Turn to Surrogacy in Georgia

This Australian couple had a program with us that is most frequently requested by Australian parents. They shipped frozen embryos to us and we transferred the embryos to the surrogate mother. They were successful at third attempt of the embryo transfer and nine months after they hugged their dream baby boy. We are all very […]

Another Exciting Surrogacy News at New Life

We are very excited to announce the birth of Spanish-Italian baby boy. Parents did hope for the best but were not expecting to be successful so quickly. Very first attempt of the embryo transfer to the surrogate mother was successful and nine months after they cuddled this beautiful boy, spreading their love and joy. Couple […]

Amazing Swedish Surrogacy Twins

How lucky our Swedish parents were when we informed them on twin pregnancy of their lovely surrogate mother. They were thinking about surrogacy journey for a year as it was not an easy decision. After having all the answers very promptly from us they found carriage to proceed and were successful at very first attempt. […]

Another Little Princess from Sweden

We are celebrating the birth of another Swedish baby girl for another lucky parents who were successful with us at very first attempt of the embryo transfer to the surrogate mother. Couple did not have very simple medical history. They were almost there to abandon the idea of becoming the parents, but luckily they registered […]

Happy Swedish parents celebrating the birth of their baby girl

At New Life we recently celebrated the birth of Swedish baby girl. Couple already has a beautiful daughter from India surrogacy and they wanted to have a sibling program in India as well. However, unfortunately soon after the birth of their baby surrogacy in India became unavailable for international parents. They started looking for alternative […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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