
Beautiful Twins Delivered to a Canadian Couple

After 20 years of costly and unsuccessful fertility treatments the couple decided to turn to surrogacy in Ukraine. Even this attempt had turned them down, as that trial did not lead to pregnancy. After such disappointment they have decided to abandon their dream to fulfill the family, but Mariam, the Director of New Life has […]

New Life Georgia Welcomes Irish Baby Girl

Arrival of this little angel brought abundant happiness and joy for her parents, who have been waiting for her for years. She was named after her grandmother who also was waiting for her arrival but unfortunately she took her last breath just before the pregnancy was confirmed. We are very excited for this family and […]

Twin Italian Babies

New Life Georgia had very unique experience with these twin babies. Usually, bonding between parents and babies develops after delivery and once the parents see the baby. It’s natural due to the nature of surrogacy program itself – biological mothers are not the ones carrying the baby. Although, this case was totally different: once the […]

Armenian Baby Girl

New Life Georgia welcomes Armenian baby who has brought happiness to her parents, who were thinking that their age (41 years old) would be big obstacle for them. Now they are holding this miracle in their hands and can’t express their gratitude to people who made this joy possible.

USA Twin Babies!

New Life Georgia has got a privilege to announce the birth of twin baby boys of US couple. Words can not capture the emotions of the parents.  After ten years of trying they have finally celebrated the fulfillment of their most important dream. Also it is  worth to mention that it  was their first and successful  attempt in New  Life. […]

Twin babies of happy couple from Israel

New Life Georgia is proud to have helped sweet couple from Israel become the happy parents of beautiful twins: a boy and a girl. Now, they are proud parents of three wonderful children. Its worth mentioning, that after this successful story, happy mom decided to join New Life to bring happiness to other parents and […]

Happy Belgian couple!

2012 began with Belgian new born for New Life Georgia! Our Happy couple received the best possible New Year Gift. They tried IVF in number of Countries but all in vane. They even tried baby adoption in China unsucessfully. Finally they met Mariam in the Hotel in Brussels and with very little hope they decided […]

Australian Baby

While we are waiting for new baby deliveries like we promised, we keep posting about our previous successful parents. Australian couple wished us Very Happy New Year and send us the picture of their cute baby that we could not believe how quickly has grown.  We would like to wish them Happy New Year as […]

Portuguese Twin Babies!

New Life Georgia is very proud that during last four years so many babies were born through our help. Unfortunately we did not use the opportunity to share successful parents’ photos and stories with you , as we only started blogging the news just couple of months ago. We recently came across the photo of […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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