Surrogacy for HIV Positive Intended Parents

At New Life Georgia we are happy to be able to offer IVF and Surrogacy Services to HIV Positive Patients. The procedure is simple and very straightforward. Parents-to-be are asked to send their last six-months’ lab tests showing undetectable viral load in serum to our clinic by e-mail. Acceptable Viral load result should not be higher: <40 copies/mL, <80 UI/mL or <1.6. Log. If the viral load is high, we are unable to accept them until they have undergone treatment for at least three months, but following special treatment, the viral load will become satisfactory for the parent-to-be to be accepted for one of our programs.
Following approval, parents-to-be are invited to visit Georgia, where the test will be performed again by local infections decease specialist. If the results match those previously sent to our clinic, the parent-to-be will be able to leave their semen to begin IVF. Although the possibility of transmitting the virus with molecular-based washed sperm is virtually nonexistent, sperm washing and molecular testing are performed for all HIV-positive parents-to-be to ensure the safety of our surrogate mothers and your baby.

surrogacy for HIV positive

Because this procedure is performed in a specially-equipped and highly-skilled facility intended to manage HIV-positive patients, the surrogacy package fees will differ from our standard program fees.

Surrogacy for HIV positive

The programs for HIV-positive parents-to-be include:

  • Surrogacy Only
  • Surrogacy and Egg Donation
  • IVF Only
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy Programs