Mariam Kukunashvili is continually invited to EU Parliament


It has been three years already , the founder of New Life , Mariam Kukunashvili , has been regularly invited to EU Parliament along with most prominent people from Business, EU members of Parliament , Former Presidents and vice presidents. Ethic and transparency has been always considered as a vital and indivisible part of the business. Apart of visiting this Annual Meetings in Parliament she takes Agenda forward by providing Ethical business and high quality care.
Trust is the backbone of business. Mariam is far from believing that those who are focusing on human values may not be competitive. Perhaps the world of business and the world of human values and ethics are no longer two separate worlds. Instead of offering extra-bonuses and salary picks, leaders today seem to need to offer a sense of common purpose beyond the day-to-day tasks and needs to be able to articulate a shared vision in a way that inspires others to act. Working for the values itself rewards an employee and therefore he or she is usually not seeking further external rewards as values elevate us to act beyond what we can do, to embrace what we should do.
New Life Global Team is highly inspired to their utmost best to keep the Intended Parents happy by offering most ethical and high quality service.