IVF Guarantees

Life is filled with uncertainty. Unfortunately, this uncertainty transcends to the inconsistency of the reproductive cycle, complicating infertility even further for those struggling to overcome it. While medication can offer solutions, it can never offer exact results, which can add stress for parents-to-be trying to achieve their dream of parenthood.

Thankfully, New Life has reliably high success rates and the medical risks associated with undergoing IVF procedures at our reputable clinics are extremely low. The major risks are often financial and emotional, but these risks are minimal with New Life’s programs and the journey is well worth the end result: a happy, healthy baby in your arms. With the highest quality care, absolute dedication and patient guidance throughout the duration of your program that will lead to a baby to call your own, you can eliminate undue emotional distress commonly associated with the IVF procedure.

Your Baby, Within maximum 3 Fresh IVF Cycles

Majority of our parents were gifted the joy of parenthood on their first or second attempt in one of our Surrogacy or Egg Donation programs.

IVF Gurantees

We are so confident in our results and ability to make your dreams of parenthood a reality that if circumstances require any attempts beyond three Fresh IVF programs, each additional attempt will be at no cost to you.

IVF Guarantees
While IVF may typically have a limited success rate, New Life has worked tirelessly to ensure that our rates are high to remove as much financial and emotional burden as possible.

Options for Quick Success

If your journey has led you to New Life because you have already struggled through enough failed IVF attempts, we can still help. If you are ready to have your baby in your arms as quickly as possible, we can increase your chances of attaining a successful pregnancy by choosing two surrogate mothers simultaneously. In this case, fresh embryos are transferred to both of the surrogates, considerably decreasing the time you need to wait to meet your baby and increasing the success rate (95% success rate on the first attempt, 5% on the second attempt). Please be aware that, if you choose this option, it may result in two successful pregnancies. We do not support the idea of abortion at New Life, and parents-to-be are contractually obligated to keep all babies and finance the pregnancies.

Donor and Surrogate Screening

All of our Egg Donors and Surrogate mothers are carefully screened. If they do not meet set standards, they are not included in the candidate database for parents-to-be. 80% of our Donors have previously gifted the miracle of life with a successful pregnancy, and have produced 15 to 25 high quality eggs. This is how New Life has achieved such remarkable success rates and our world-wide reputation within the infertility field. Our multinational Egg Donor Database https://www.newlifeeggdonors.com is recommended in clinics throughout the world to patients struggling with infertility, and due to their trust with us , physicians regularly request that our Donors travel abroad to their clinics.

Guaranteed Quantity of Eggs

Although the majority of our Donors have provided high quality eggs before, we are unable to offer a guaranteed quantity of eggs. While empty follicles are extremely rare, affecting only 1% of our Donors, the possibility still exists. Since the parent-to-be compensates the Egg Donor directly, we do not offer shared egg donor programs at New Life. We guarantee that the unique eggs from your carefully-selected Donor will not be shared with or given to any other parent-to-be.

Guaranteed Baby Program

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