Gratitude from Israel


Dear Ia.

With a great pleasure I want to write to you about my first experience with New Life Georgia.

After I understood like year ago , that I stop my personal treatments to have a baby , first I heard about possibility to have a child in Georgia at my clinic in Jerusalem, but there – nobody could directly to point to your agency .They just told me – that it possible in Georgia to make a baby delivery with assistance of sur – mam , but that it . For me – At that time – it was just some things so unreal and not impossible to execute.

To be frank I was lost at that time -to start this some big unknown process to me and made my dream to have a child in my life` it was so far away at that time and also when involve in that process a lot of money . Money that I don’t have immediate -it all was so unreal!

But still – I wanted to have a child – to have a family – my family! I found you of course through Natasha, and how I suddenly heard about her you ask? Well, many parents speaking about her in some Israeli forums on some sites.You now all those forums – I am personally don’t like them – but just to have Natasha name I needed go to those sites and find out who is dealing with sur. mam process in Georgia.

I called her and we spoke at her house first . She personally have two beautiful children from sur mam .I saw these angels that night and I knew that whatever it takes , and how much effort and money it takes – I WILL go through this process .From the very beginning I felt that “New Life ” organization – it very organized and good oil – machine !

Starting first Email from dear Maka , and after taking control of the middle process by dear Ia , and final take under control the final stage by dear Eliso. I was very impressed and to be frank – very surprised – that everything is ticking like Swiss clock .

This very good distribution, to dealing with this complicate process –like 3 separate stages. And very wise also-because it so much documents going forward and back ,so much lower involvement and for me it was very easy to dealing with all those obligation – because in every stage I was guided by very professional Crew of ” NEW LIFE ”

And really a big personally Thanks for Ia, Maka and Eliso for all your professional support , a great human relation. Caring and headlining with all big paper work and for being patience with me. When I did not understand some things , you never gave up and explain to me patiently what I need to send or what I need to do .

It was a great deal for me – to pass through all this process with angels like you all! With all you care and help – you sending to people hope , to have those little angels like my son .You made for me , the only family in the earth that I have .

With your help – you all , creating really a new life , and God – he see everything and everywhere .Every time a new born came – he is the God courier to make better his creation !

Can you imagine? – You involve in God creation – you are all involve at making people more happy by having those baby’s in their files.

I never would have words to thank you ,So I want to say you all – a simple human personally Thank you for giving me a family, which I never had.

All the best to you and of course to dear Irina. I wish her family, her husband and son have a great and happy long life. Maybe one day, then Irina son will grow up, and hear what Irina did for him and her family – I bet -he will be proud for her .

Let everybody will have a great things in their life.

Thank you for all, hope this is not a last time we speak.

I still have 4 frozen embryos at your freezer.


Thanks all of you