Paula Catarina and Mr. Arne
Back“New Life made our family complete”
We come from Sweden.
For 11 years we have tried to become a family, and last year our beautiful daughter was born with help from New Life.
Now 1,5 year later our twins Erik and Maja were born also with help from New Life.
We have had much contact with 3 of New Life coordinators this time, First Eka, she helped us with all contracts and found us a fantastic surrogate mother.
Second Ia, pregnancy coordinator, she held us up to date throw the pregnancy with doctors reports and ultrasound scan until our babies were born.
Third Lika, after birth coordinator, she helped with all legal documents and Georgian authorities.
We have got fantastic help from all of them.
Our 3 children have all been born at Imedi Clinic and we have been taken care of in the best way, both babies and us.
We like Georgia very much , and feels Tbilisi is a friendly and safe town to visit.
If you need help, do not hesitate to get in contact with New Life. Never give up!”
Best Regards
Paula and Mattias