Evaluating and authentication of qualification of doctors and surgeons in fertility services like ART, IVF and surrogacy
BackSurrogacy and other fertility treatment procedures sound fine in turning an ever gloomy childless couple into smiling parents, but the success of ART treatments involved and post operational health of all concerned including the egg donor (if required), surrogate mother and eventually the child to be born will largely depend upon the professional enlightenment of the fertility specialists and surgeons. Besides other traits will definitely have a bearing on the success like the experience, expertise and focus.
Selection of the right infertility treatment specialist will certainly maximize the chances of success. How to select that? Here are the following tips that will guide you in finding the right answers to your queries:
- You can surf Yellow pages as these contain good and authentic sources of infertility specialists along with the referrals about their qualifications.
- Surf the internet to have all information you want regarding evaluation of your infertility doctor the proof of his qualifications as a supporting background.
- Reputed infertility treatment clinics have comprehensive and much elaborate websites that will help you get the authentic information. Along with their professional qualifications, their contributions to the development of infertility and surrogacy science, their association with renowned embryological and human reproduction research organizations, their papers and research materials published in leading medical journals circulated globally are all presented in a neat chronological sequence. You only have to locate the right website by engaging your search engine intelligently.
- To add to your reliability, you may ask suggestions from your friends or couples who underwent fertility treatments and infertility support groups.
- After short listing the names and contact numbers of doctors and clinics, you can call up the clinic to know further details regarding doctor’s availability, treatment schedule and related expenses.
Beware of fake and unaccomplished doctors and clinics.
There are even fakes and mediocre infertility surgeons feigning like a very successful professional opening up clinics in the most posh locality of the town. A set of simple investigative approach could reveal a lot about the quality of the doctor and the authenticity of the qualifications he flaunts in.
Check out the following things:
- Is the clinic located in a decent location amidst other clinics or hospitals?
- Is the clinic accessible to public?
- What is the opinion of the local crowd about the clinic?
- If it is a new set up, you need to check more things about patient handling, quality of treatment provided by visiting doctors.
- What is the nature of the visiting crowd? Does it comprise only of foreigners or locals are also availing its fertility treatment support?
- Does the name of the clinic exist in the latest circulations of health magazines and branded medical journals?
- Are the fertility specialists well qualified with a proven expertise? You can certainly check their academic and experience credentials before finalizing the clinic.
- Does the clinic keep latest medical journals in the patient waiting rooms? It indicates that the docs want to keep you informed on the latest medical issues with a view to educate you. This is possible when the doctor himself is qualified and wants his patients to be at least aware of what is going around the medical world.
- What is the success rate of fertility treatment in such clinics? You can ask for a customer reference as well.
Words of mouth are most reliable to decide on the above factors but that should come from reliable persons as well. Your home fertility specialist or an experienced facilitator can help you better. But above all, do not forget to do some self study to be aware of certain possibilities before reaching out to anybody. Your intuition can be a good guide too.