
New Life on Panel discussion about Georgia Surrogacy

New Life spoke at the conference Families through Surrogacy held in London in March. We have once again outlined that Georgia is one of the safest and most convenient destination for surrogacy. We have encouraged new Intended Parents to refer to us and start their journey of parenthood with us.

New Life exhibited at London Conference

New Life exhibited at London Conference. We have arranged new Intended Parents to meet our previously successful parents who attended the conference with their toddler baby girl. Parents found very encouraging to speak with successful parents and it was another reassurance for them to plan surrogacy programs with New Life soon.

Mariam Kukunashvili

US embassy financed a movie “Mother of 5000 Babies” and it was directed by Margo Zubashvili. The movie is about activities, personal life and achievements of Co-founder of New Life Global Network, Mariam Kukunashvili.  Title of the movie is very touching and very much hope that with the hard work of New Life Global Network […]

New Life Georgia successful couple in The Telegraph

New Life Georgia successful parents from Great Britain speak about their experience with The Telegraph. Griffith family is always remembered as the most lovable and caring family.

New Life Global Network in Spanish Newspaper El Mundo

Spanish reporter writes about Spanish couple’s journey of surrogacy through New Life Georgia. Here we find the emotions from the very begging of enrolling the program to the end of the story when the parents hold their baby. This is incredible experience , nicely described in Spain’s one of the leading newspapers “El Mundo”.

Another surprise treat for New Life Team

New Life team is “spoiled” by surprise treats and one of them was a trip to Lopota Resort and Spa. Nice weather and welcoming atmosphere was truly refreshing. The team came back with lots of positive energy and is enormously grateful for having another opportunity to spend time together.

Mariam speaking at workshop held in South Africa

The founder of New Life, Mariam Kukunashvili was invited to speak at the workshop held in Pretoria, South Africa. Workshop was about Standards of Medical Care Received by Donors in International Programs.

Team Gathering

New Life Georgia, India and Nepal team had team gathering in Kathmandu just two weeks before the terrible earthquake the country experienced. We left Nepal with so many positive feelings and were filled with excitements after seeing the country culture and their hospitality. We are very saddened and our prayers are with each and every […]

Surprise Meeting with successful Parents

New Life team experienced a joy of surprise meeting with successful parents through New Life. Little baby crawling across the conference hall caught everybody’s attention and made us proud as our team played a massive role to make those parents dreams of parenthood coming true.

Guaranteed Baby Program

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