
An Incredible story of Azerbaijani Couple

About a month ago a frustrated couple after numerous failures contacted New Life. They seemed to be very dubious about our success rate and the whole process, as they have been disappointed by other clinics. Even though our medical coordinator explained that having four surrogates was absolutely not necessary, but they still went ahead and […]

Norwegian Babies

After several trials , New Life Georgia became the last ray of hope for the Norwegian couple. Our team clearly remember them mentioning that this would be their final chance . After receiving the HCG pregnancy test the whole New Life was fighting who would be the first to tell them that both of their […]

Happy beginning of 2013 for the UK couple

New Life Georgia welcomed the first baby in 2013. The UK parents could not hide their emotions after seeing their baby boy. Who could ever wish for the better New Year present. New Life team is very happy for the couple and looking forward to helping number of other parents in fulfilling their dreams.

New Year Gift for the lovely couple

How exciting it is to have another beautiful baby delivery . We have been a good supporter to our lovely couple since the very beginning , as they took the whole process so emotional and we all got very attached to the them . Their history is pretty much similar to the others. 5 long […]

US Baby Girl

New Life Georgia continues to bring happiness to our lovely parents. One more US baby girl was born in September. We will remember this baby for long as her parents made their decision to undergo the program with us increasable quickly: on their second e-mail to us they had already decided that their happiness was […]

US Couple Celebrating the Birth of their Baby Boy

New Life Georgia had a wonderful start of Autumn as we all greeted it with big celebration of the birth of one more US baby. The happy father, who is a doctor himself and had gone through the long journey of fertility clinic selection worldwide, has chosen New Life Georgia as his final destination. Based […]

Beautiful Twins Delivered to a Canadian Couple

After 20 years of costly and unsuccessful fertility treatments the couple decided to turn to surrogacy in Ukraine. Even this attempt had turned them down, as that trial did not lead to pregnancy. After such disappointment they have decided to abandon their dream to fulfill the family, but Mariam, the Director of New Life has […]

New Life Georgia Welcomes Irish Baby Girl

Arrival of this little angel brought abundant happiness and joy for her parents, who have been waiting for her for years. She was named after her grandmother who also was waiting for her arrival but unfortunately she took her last breath just before the pregnancy was confirmed. We are very excited for this family and […]

Twin Italian Babies

New Life Georgia had very unique experience with these twin babies. Usually, bonding between parents and babies develops after delivery and once the parents see the baby. It’s natural due to the nature of surrogacy program itself – biological mothers are not the ones carrying the baby. Although, this case was totally different: once the […]

Armenian Baby Girl

New Life Georgia welcomes Armenian baby who has brought happiness to her parents, who were thinking that their age (41 years old) would be big obstacle for them. Now they are holding this miracle in their hands and can’t express their gratitude to people who made this joy possible.

Guaranteed Baby Program

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