
Japanese Cute Girl

New Life Georgia continues bringing the happiness to our lovely parents. First Japanese baby girl was born through our help. Couple was very lucky and received pregnancy at very first attempt. Surrogacy process seemed so complicated for them, they could not believe receiving successful pregnancy was so easy. Baby is truly adorable and parents do […]

Israeli twins

Another Israeli couple celebrated the birth of their lovely twins boy and a girl with the help of New Life. After all years of waiting couple was successful with us with second attempt after transferring the frozen embryos to the surrogate mother. They could not help hiding their emotions and could not find the words […]

Lucky Swedish couple celebrates baby girl birth

New Life Georgia helped many Swedish couples recently and currently great majority of our parents are from Sweden. Couple on the picture with newborn baby girl is among them. When we got first enquiry from the couple, their story was very touching as the mother always knew that she had some fertility issues. After long […]

Israeli baby boy

Another Israeli baby boy is born through our help in Georgia. Parents have 11 year old girl and since then they were longing for another baby. We helped them to fulfill their dream. Little girl was eagerly waiting for the birth of her little brother and cannot wait to start looking after him. We would […]

Swedish couple has become parents

Another Swedish couple became the parents of a lovely baby girl. Couple had few unsuccessful attempts before reaching New Life. Their friend who was already successful with New Life Georgia recommended them to contact us and soon after contacting they planned the IVF program with us. They were successful at very first attempt. They are […]

Australian – Canadian twins born Through New Life Georgia

New Life Georgia has celebrated the birth of Australian – Canadian twins: Boy and a Girl. It was not an easy journey for the parents as they were not successful at very first or second attempt and it took a big effort from the parents and from medical team as well to have a successful […]

Estonian Baby Boy

New Life Georgia welcomed Estonian baby boy. Parents have departed already back to Estonia and they had a great opportunity to spend Christmas with their lovely friends and family and New Family Member also joined them. We wish the couple very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Israeli Baby Girl

Another Israeli couple’s life was brightened up by the birth of the Baby Girl. The couple is excited as they longed for the baby for a long time. New Life team joins the excitement and wishes happy life to the whole family.

Swedish Baby Boy

We are very happy to announce the birth of Swedish Baby Boy. Parents with long experience of failures referred to New Life and still seemed hopeless they would be successful. We made them happy at very first attempt and they have Baby Boy with us which they call Christmas gift. We wish them safe arrival […]

UK Baby Boy Birth Celebration

Another UK baby was delivered through the help of New Life Georgia. Parents are extremely happy and excited. We would like to join their celebration and wish bright future to the family.

Guaranteed Baby Program

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