
UK Twin Baby Girls

Nothing in the world feels greater than seeing our successful parents with the babies in their hands, in all positive emotions, not being able to find suitable words to express their gratitude and thankfulness. We fully enjoy these very moments and feel encouraged to have more and more successful parents with their somehow different but […]

Celebrating the birth of Swedish Baby Girl

After having number of failed IVF attempts and frustration in India because of surrogacy ban, Swedish couple referred to us full of hopes. They have heard a lot about New Life from our previous successful parents and they seemed calm and determined, knowing that they were in safe and thoughtful hands with us. We soon […]

Swedish – UK Baby Boy

Our Swedish- UK couple has been among the lucky ones who are successful at very first attempt. All their concerns and worries disappeared in two weeks after the embryo transfer to the surrogate mother, once we sent the positive pregnancy test. They are over the moon and full of positive emotions. New Life is wishing […]

US Twin Girls

US couple was amazed just nine months ago when we told them that both of their surrogate mothers were pregnant with single babies. Soon after, they expressed their gratitude to us for making their life most complete by having those beautiful princesses in their life. Couple was very lucky indeed as both of their surrogate […]

Australian Princess Born through Help of New Life Georgia

Another Australian baby girl is born with help of New Life Georgia. We named her as “snowwhite” as she looks like being from fairytales. Parents are over the moon and find it hard to believe their dream finally came true. Parents referred to us year ago, soon after India was closed down for Australian citizens. […]

Third Australian Baby

This month we had Australian baby boom and we are happy to announce the birth of third Australian baby though our help. The couple came with lots of doubts and concerns to us, but soon after meeting they felt confidence and comfort with us and proceeded with two surrogate mothers program. Soon after the embryo […]

Returning UK Parents Celebrating Birth of Twins

Twins! We Here at New Life are proud to announce the birth of a wonderful baby boy and girl (twins). A UK couple that we helped achieve the dream of being parent two years ago (a baby girl), are now filled with joy due to the birth of these two beautiful little babies (a first […]

Returning UK Parents Celebrating Birth of Baby Girl

It gives us great pleasure to announce the birth of another little bundle of joy. Just two years ago this UK couple came to The New Life Georgia and soon after that (on the very first attempt) they were successful. This time, they returned to go through the sibling program and met with success on […]

Polish Baby Girl

A baby girl brought huge happiness to Polish couple and whole of their family. Their trust towards New Life team was justified and they received successful pregnancy at very first attempt. They could not hide their emotions and expressed big gratefulness to New Life and to their surrogate mother who responsibly fulfilled her obligations to […]

Australian Twin Girls

Our second Australian couple is over the moon after having beautiful twin girls delivered. After long journey of unsuccessful attempts, they turned to New Life and were successful at second attempt with frozen embryos. New Life will always remember this couple as an exception of kindness and care towards the surrogate mother. They financed the […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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