
Swedish Couple Travels Overseas for Surrogacy

We are happy to share another exciting news of baby girl delivery of lovely Swedish family who considered overseas surrogacy and chose Georgia as a destination. They heard a lot about New Life from our experienced Swedish parents, which we have quite a lot. Parents are sharing their stories on fertility forum of Sweden and […]

Successful Surrogacy for Australian Parents

We have a great celebration at New Life on birth of twin boys of our lovely and caring Australian parents. Though it took them few attempts to achieve pregnancy they were always determined and always knew that soon this very moment would come and they would hug their babies. It is very emotional seeing them […]

Another Little Princess from Sweden

We are celebrating the birth of another Swedish baby girl for another lucky parents who were successful with us at very first attempt of the embryo transfer to the surrogate mother. Couple did not have very simple medical history. They were almost there to abandon the idea of becoming the parents, but luckily they registered […]

Happy Swedish parents celebrating the birth of their baby girl

At New Life we recently celebrated the birth of Swedish baby girl. Couple already has a beautiful daughter from India surrogacy and they wanted to have a sibling program in India as well. However, unfortunately soon after the birth of their baby surrogacy in India became unavailable for international parents. They started looking for alternative […]

US Baby Girl Arrival

We have another exciting story of our successful parents from the United States. In February 2016 they referred to us for surrogacy. We planned their program straight away and they were successful at very first attempt. While they are in Georgia for baby registration, they have started the sibling program aiming for another baby. We […]

Swedish Baby Girl Born

We have another lovely Swedish couple who recently fulfilled their dreams of parenthood with New Life Georgia. They approached us to get the details of the program and it did not take them long to make a decision and proceed. First three attempts were not successful for them, but fourth time embryo transfer brought happiness […]

Swedish Triplets with Two Surrogates program

In our previous blog we wrote about Swedish twins and promised the update after the birth of their little brother. It is a great pleasure for us to congratulate our lovely Swedish parents on arrival of third baby boy. What an overwhelming photo having all three of them together: two boys and a girl. Just […]

Swedish Twin Born with the Help of New Life

In December we had Swedish baby boom. This Swedish couple had 9 IVF attempts without any success and their only hope was surrogacy to achieve their dreams of parenthood. They were so eager to receive pregnancy they chose two surrogate mothers program, which according to our suggestion truly had high possibility of successful pregnancy. Out […]

Swedish Baby Boy Born in December

After 6 years of trying naturally and ending up with miscarriages Swedish couple turned to surrogacy and choose us, New Life Georgia to help them in making their dream true, to become parents. They soon were completely confident in their decision as we have informed them on received pregnancy at very first attempt of the […]

Swedish Baby Girl – Christmas Gift

Our lovely Swedish couple celebrated best Christmas in their entire life. Little princes was born just before Christmas and made her parents feel over the moon. Couple referred to us for surrogacy program and it took them four attempts to receive successful pregnancy. At New Life we all still remember their emotions after receiving first […]

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