
New Life Georgia makes difference in the lives of Seniors

New Life Georgia continues to support elderly people in need through sponsoring dinner at “Catarzisi Foundation”. New life Georgia will continue to express its appreciation for senior citizens who have spent a life time building the community we all live in. You can find New Life Georgia among friends of “Katarzisi Foundation” at

Dinner from New Life Georgia for Elderly!

New Life Georgia acknowledges the important of Corporate Social Responsibility and believes that every Business despite its size is oblige to contribute to Society. End of 2011 New Life Georgia provided dinner to elderly at ” Catarzisi Foundation” New Life is going to increase its contribution and help more and more people in need.

Mrs. Mariam Kukunashvili on Rustavi2

To raise public awareness of community members on fertility treatment options and surrogacy , Mrs. Mariam Kukunashvili, Founder of New Life Global Network of Fertility Clinics was interviewed by national television Rustavi2. Mariam has happily shared her experience and recommendations. New Life is always open to discuss fertility treatment options and surrogacy issues with mass […]

Purple Love New Year Party!

New Life Georgia has sponsored the annual anniversary of “Identoba” – the official LGTB organization in Georgia . The event “Purple Love” was attended by LGTB community of Georgia. The special prize from New Life Georgia – a weekend in Winter Resort Bakuriani was won by one LGTB couple. We wish ” Identoba” all the […]

New Life Georgia-Defender of LGBT Rights!

LGTB issue has been just recently raised in Georgia. Despite the fact, that more and more people have become aware of the rights of LGTB people, there are still some uncertainty and homophobia in the Country. New Life Georgia ,has pioneered to rise awareness of the society about parental rights of LGTB in the country […]

Opposition on Healthcare costs in Georgia

The opposition has criticized the Georgian government for the high cost of medical services to Georgian patients in the “Georgian Times Info “. They have argued that despite the fact that lots of clinics and hospitals are built in the country, they mostly serve the best interest of certain individuals. They have stated the interview […]

Mentality and Early Marriage

Mariam Kukunashvili along with other experts was invited as an expert online newspaper ” Expressnews ” to analyze the underling causes and associated problems of early Marriage.   Fore more details please refer to:

New Life on pages of Magazine ”Liberali”

On 3 November 2009 , New Life Georgia was featured in National Magazine ” Liberali ” . Issues of Surrogacy was reflected in an interview taken from Mariam Kukunashvili., Founder of New Life Network. Topic was covered by the Experts of the field some of our pregnant Surrogate mothers shared their experience . Please refer […]

New Life- Exhibitor in Chicago!

On October 2011, New Life was Sponsor of World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress. The event brought together Health leaders, policy makers, Health Ministers, Media and various Health and insurance companies from all over the world. We are glad that New Life was part of this special event and this experience has contributed to […]

Guaranteed Baby Program

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