Amniocentesis for your Pregnant Surrogate. Is it really needed?


In  surrogacy  pregnancy  one  of  the  major  questions   from  intended  parents  is   related to  genetic  disorder  of  the  fetus.  Private  doctor may  give  a  recommendation   to  surrogates  of amniocentesis performance  in  case of abnormal triple  marker  test result.

Amniocentesis  is a prenatal test, which make  available  information about   fetus  genetic  condition from  the  sample  of  pregnant  woman  amniotic fluid. An amniotic  fluid  is  a  substance   and  fetus  is  surrounded  with it.   It includes cells shed by the fetus.  Amniocentesis identifies chromosome abnormalities, genetic disorders   and neural tube defects. Down syndrome,   same as trisomy 21 is the most common chromosome abnormality.   Also  another  genetic  disorder which  can  be  examined is  cystic fibrosis  and   spina bifida.


Amniocentesis risks and side effects

Although amniocentesis is considered to be a safe procedure, it is known  as an invasive diagnostic test that does pose possible risks. One of the major risks related to amniocentesis test  is miscarriage.    Statistically the risk  of  miscarriage  in  case  of  amniocentesis is 0.5- 1 %

There  might  be  few  reasons  why  miscarriage  may  happen: water  braking,  infection  in  the  uterus  and  labor being  induced prematurely.    Quite  seldom  but  still needle  may  come  in  contact  with  the  fetus,   therefore  the procedure is performed carefully by  using a sonogram. After  the  procedure  surrogate  may have  a  feeling  of  cramping,  fluid leaking  and irritation on the  puncture  area.


When   amniocentesis  is  needed   to be  performed

During  the  pregnancy of  surrogate  mother    triple  marker  test   is  being   performed at  pregnancy  week  16-17.   If  any  of  the  results of  this  test  BHCG , AFP  or  Free  Estriol is  out  of  the  norms    then  surrogates   address  to  the  genetic.  Genetic  has  to  write a  counseling  and give  the solid  explanation  why  amniocentesis  procedure is recommended. Then  surrogates  visit to a quite  well  known   specialist  in  one  of  the  best  clinic    and  the  procedure  is  conducted  there

Amniocentesis is usually done when surrogate mother  is in  pregnancy  week  16 -21.   The  needle  should  enter  in  the   amniotic sac  and it  is  crucial  to  find the safe  location  for  the  needle. Therefore  during this  procedure  ultrasound  scan is  performed as  a  guide to  find harmless  location  and safely  remove  sample  of  the  fluid.  Overall  the  procedure takes   around 30 minutes. This  procedure  is  described  as uncomfortable rather  than painful. The sample of the amniotic fluid is sent to Limback  laboratory  and    through  this  lab  the  fluid  is  sent  to  Germany for  further examination.  Results may take 3-4 weeks to be returned to  the laboratory.

In New Life Georgia`s  history there   was  not  a  single  case  of miscarriage  because  of  this  procedure.  To summarize  the topic  amniocentesis  test has a  high levels of accuracy (98-99%). Though  this analyses  does not measure the severity of   the birth defects.