Why AMG (Anti Mulerian Hormone) is important for successful IVF?
BackEvery woman has a supply of eggs naturally in their ovaries. As they grow older the quality and quantity of eggs decrease. Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by the egg cells as the eggs sacs or follicles develop. The AMH levels in the woman’s blood is one of the best indicators of the current quality of her ovarian reserve.
The AMH levels in the egg donors blood if not affected during her menstrual periods or due to the menstrual cycle. Hence this test can be conducted at any point of time during the entire month. Even if the woman is on oral contraceptives she can undergo such test to detect the quality and potential of her ovarian reserve.
This test is primarily conducted on intended mothers before fertilization. This enables them to have a report of the quality of their eggs before they invest in the fertilization of an egg with the sperm. Women with poor tests results usually go for an egg donor in order to get the most fertile egg for their IVF cycle.
Fertility is one of the greatest issues faced by aspiring parents these days. Thousands of couples are today facing infertility issues and undergoing IVF treatment. The primary objective of all IVF treatment cycles is to ascertain the cause of infertility and rectify it by medication. Female infertility is one major aspect for couples facing troubles in natural conception. The AMH test is done to confirm the abnormality related to the fertility of eggs produced naturally by a woman. If it confirms the production of low-quality eggs in a woman, she is usually sent for treatment. In case she is not ready to invest much time in this treatment, it is usually recommended to go for an egg donor to complete the IVF cycle.
Since the intended parents invest a lot of their money and energy into the IVF cycle, they are concerned about the quality of egg they are getting from the egg donor. To be honest, intended parents have to invest extra to get eggs from a donor. Because of this, they would like to receive the best eggs with highest quality and potential. This is why the egg donors are carefully screened before assigning them to an IVF cycle. Egg donors are taken through the AMH test in order to find out their capacity of producing high-quality eggs.
Egg donors signed with New Life are all verified in terms of AMH levels. In case the couple wants to use their own egg donor, we screen her AMH level first and then consider her as a candidate for this important role. We have a large database of healthy egg donors working with us who provide healthy eggs. Apart from egg donors, couples can use cryopreserved eggs to complete their IVF cycle.
The AMH Test for Successful IVF Cycle
An anti-mullerian hormone test (AMH) measures the ovarian reserve and assesses the fertility potential of the woman.
For more accurate assessment, AMH tests are usually combined with an antral follicle count (AFC). This particular test ascertains the number of small follicles present within the two ovaries. AFC is executed by IVF centerswith the help of an ultrasound scan. This helps to make an accurate assessment of fertility.
Women planning to undergo an IVF cycle are first screened with Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) test to ascertain her fertility. This is one of the most reliable tests done to interpret the pregnancy capacity of any woman in terms of the fertility of her eggs. This test can be done any time of the month and has no connection with the lifestyle of the women undergoing this test. Women struggling with infertility often go through this test to know her exact fertility health picture.
AMH testing is nowadays an important part of the programs at reputable fertility clinics and IVF centers. AMH is basically a protein, which is produced by cells inside the ovarian follicles. The AMH testing procedure was first developed back in the year 1990. This was brought into operation after years of research on women going through IVF treatment. Experts in this research established a positive correlation between the levels of AMH in a woman with the number of eggs retrieved after a successful procedure of ovarian stimulation.
Most fertility clinics trust the AMH levels and do not consider a woman with low AMH level as a good candidate for egg donation or IVF. In a few cases, women with low AMH levels are treated with a proper course of medication to recover from such syndrome and get a healthy pregnancy.
AMH by the Numbers
Normal AMH levels- if the AMH level is from 1.5 to 4.0 ng/ml, it is considered to be normal and has increased fertility and better rates of response to fertility treatments.
Low AMH levels – if the AMH level is from 1.0 to 1.5 ng/ml, it is considered to be low and with decrease ovarian reserve. Yet there can be good chances of good pregnancy outcomes after treatment.
Very low AMH levels – in case the AMH level is below 0.5 ng/ml, it suggests extremely diminished ovarian reserve. The fertility concerns related to such women are higher and they are usually not considered as egg donors.
What Affects AMH Levels?
The level of AMH present in a woman is regulated by gonadotropin hormone. It remains highest during the initial phase of follicle development. This is when the follicle quantifies 4 mm. The secretion of AMH slows down and ultimately stops as the follicle gradually grows larger. Studies show that the production of AMH almost stops once the follicles reach 8mm.
It is critical to understand the natural fluctuation of the AMH level circulation. The level of AMH reveals the potential limitation of the egg quantity or egg quality in women.
Low AMH Levels
The AMH level in a woman drops as she starts aging. Other elements that ages the ovaries and ovarian functions are:
Unhealthy eating
Low circulation to the ovaries
Hormonal imbalance
Other genetic factors
Autoimmune disorders
Disturbed lifestyle factors
If the AMH level is found to be low in younger women, that is women under the age of 35, this is a sign of early menopause. Medical measures need to be taken immediately to handle the situation and preserve and enhance the woman’s fertility.
Hope for the Future
In case your AMH level is low in the test report and you are worried about its consequences, you have to remember that a single AMH test is not always enough to predict your fertility. There are other testing approaches to evaluate your AMH levels. Other fertility tests might bring you another health report, unlike this one.
There are various medications related to the eggs health that enhances the fertility. There are a lot of treatment procedures that can help a woman gain normal AMH levels. Medical therapies and natural remedies add a lot to the fertility of women.