Dad: A son’s first hero,

a daughter's first love.


If you would like to schedule a meeting, please email Tamari at

Exceptional Surrogate Care

Surrogate mothers play a very crucial role with immense responsibility throughout the pregnancy. Through psychological counselling, constant guidance and proper medical care, we make sure our Surrogate mothers have best possible conditions required for a successful birth of a healthy baby.

Guaranteed Baby Programs

Most our intended parents find it very helpful to have a peace of mind ,that they can be assured of the favorable outcome no matter of tries needed. Even if you choose regular program without guarantees and you are not successful right away, after maximum 3 IVF with egg donation programs, we continue further attempts for free ,until pregnancy is achieved.

Free Bonus Services

Free Airport Pick up, Free Translator services, Free nanny matching and much more surprises for our precious and loving couples. On top of that we are willing to arrive at your home Country for free one hour consultation and face to face meeting.

Numbers Don’t Lie

According to the data and information from the Ministry of Justice,
New Life babies make 89% of Surrogacy baby registrations at Public Registry of Georgia.


At New Life Georgia, achieving the impossible is what we do best. Through a unique mix of professional services, commitment to care and an unrivaled dedication to well-being that spans across the whole of New Life Group, we have realized exceptional success rates that ensure we can meet every parent-to-be’s expectations and unlock the door to their dream of parenthood. While we specialize in all areas of infertility management with cutting-edge technologies, we have become known for our empathy and dedication to meeting the emotional needs of every patient. We know this chapter in your life hasn’t been easy, but we have seen thousands of stories like yours end with a happy, healthy baby. So if your journey has led you here, we hope our website is a beacon of hope showing you that there are solutions for your infertility concerns. We have helped thousands of parents struggling with infertility achieve their dream of parenthood by committing ourselves to providing comfortable, caring treatment to each of our patients, from every walk of life, to the best of our ability. With our commitment to dedicated teamwork, high medical standards and effective communication, New Life is among the best in its field. We do not take this position lightly, and we would be honored to become part of your story as we reach towards our ultimate mission to have a child in every loving family.

Successful Parents
From 73 Countries

At New Life Georgia we helped couples from 73 Countries which enables us to be very well familiar with Embassy procedures for different Nationalities. Our After Birth Care Coordinator will guide you from the moment of birth until you reach your final destination with a loving baby in your arms.

Ask to talk with
Our Successful Parents

Our successful parents from all over the world are more then glad and willing to talk with you and share their smooth and amazing experience they had with us.

Conscious conception

Children become not as an accident of passion or a product of family planning, but as an aspect of the same nature in which we are already immersed, another
dimension of our own sexuality and love. If a journey carries peace, beauty, understanding, compassion, wisdom and love, we know it is true. Along the way we enjoy the little hand in ours, the beauty of our lover’s skin, the bliss of union and radical realization that being creative and being a parent carries responsibilities far beyond ego and the illusion of our separate selves. As babies literally and figuratively awaken parents from sleep, become more conscious of devotion and of our extensive capacity to serve. In the adventure of consciously conceiving a child, you are being asked to nurture your capacity to receive interpersonal signals via imagination. Messages, communications move between one to another. Is your ear turned for the call? Can you hear the whisper of a child approaching you? Can you feel this tiny being brush against your cheek? Can you see her dash ahead just around the corner? We all dance to our heartbeats, whose rhythm and paces mustn’t be confused with the essence of the dance- the heart itself. Similarly, we all have our unique relationship with conscious conception and yet at its core we find unity.

Infertility is not just a personal concern, it is symptomatic of our culture.

The many alternatives to biological conception are metaphors of our culture’s malaise and anti-life attitudes.


Surrogacy has been regulated in Georgia since 1997, and, since then, the country has become a desirable destination for IVF programs, surrogacy and egg donation for parents-to-be all over the world. The surrogacy law resulted in many IVF clinics opening in Georgia. This competition increased success rates of the IVF procedure and live birth deliveries all across the country, raising standards for customer satisfaction.

For many couples struggling with fertility issues, surrogacy is often their last hope to make their dream of parenthood a reality. New Life Georgia is fully committed to providing our parents-to-be and surrogates with the highest quality care and compassion. Because our surrogate mothers play such a crucial role with immeasurable responsibility, we are dedicated to providing them with the utmost respect and care. With psychological counseling, consistent guidance, and proper medical care, we make sure all of our surrogate mothers are receiving everything they need for a healthy and successful pregnancy that ultimately results in the miracle of life, your new baby.

Our clinic is operated with honesty and integrity, with our team members accessible and ready to answer your questions, offer advice, and lend support at every step of your journey. Our Surrogacy Programs are designed to meet your family’s needs and requests. We work diligently to make compatible matches for your family, and offer a range of treatment options.

Media and Leadership Recognition

New Life have been featured in documentaries and TV programs by BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, Reuters, TV France 2 and other European and Asian broadcasting companies.
In recognition of New Life’s success and standards, our founder was filmed by Martyna Wojciechowska for Discovery Poland’s “Woman at the End of the World” program. As Martyna mentioned, it has taken them 11 years to locate a woman appropriate for the program in Georgia, and they have finally found her. As it turned out, the 13th episode aired in 2022 was the most popular.
It was a great honor for New Life Team to be filmed by Harvard Business School for the case study, which was taught to students and considered as an example of great leadership.
The shooting began in Mexico in 2022 and continued in Georgia in 2023. Due to its high interest among students, New Life’s case study was also presented at Harvard’s Women’s Leadership summit in November 2024.


We would have never been able to pull everything together without you. With all of the coordination and support, you made everything possible and for that we will be forever thankful. You were so kind and caring during this whole process, a unique quality not often found these days. Mariam, thank you, we really enjoyed meeting you and spending time with you. We are very grateful for being so supportive. At New Life, you are such people that we will never forget.

Our dream came true thanks to you, your commitment, your availability, your kindness and professionalism in the field. The hospital was up to the task, all very nice and helpful.
This journey has been long, difficult and full of obstacles, but finally we succeeded!!! Our little baby is well and growing fast! We will be grateful to you for life! God bless you and all the staff of New Life for what you do!

You don’t know what a joy tears and laughter and happiness you brought to us with the positive result!!
We pray for the baby and Lia that all goes smooth and easy till the end. Lia looks like such a nice woman!! I really would like to be her friend on Facebook 2 with google translation now all is possible.”
Thank you Maka for everything you did for us. What good is when you are alone and strange to have someone to support you. Sorry for my English!

I never thought I would have children, I was diagnosed with Cancer when I was 15 years old and I had my sperm frozen. I met my wife and we started to try for a child through IVF, we went to all the places possible in the world and had no luck. We had the last ampoule of sperm and my wife had heard how good New Life was. And now I am now waiting for the birth of my first child.


They used 19-year-old sperm and made our dreams come true. Remarkable clinics and remarkable ladies. Does not matter how much good I say about them is not enough. I can never ever thank them for blessing me with the gift of a child.

Guaranteed Surrogacy

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Guaranteed Egg Donation

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